Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A Farewell to Sandwiches

Here's the thing:

Although you would never know it, I actually love this blog.

I love being anonymous and I love getting to share stories I would never have the balls to share otherwise.

HOWEVER, I'm being a really obnoxious blogger.

I'm inconsistent and don't get to comment on any of your blogs as much as I would like.

Sadly, I fear this means I need to throw in the blogging towel.

I don't like leading people on, so as much as it pains me... I think I need to step back from this blog.

Thank you for reading with me in the brief time I was here! I'm sorry I wasn't able to be the best blogger possible and I hope you'll forgive the abrupt blogging exit.

Have wonderful blogging lives!


Grilled Cheese

P.S. Blog.