Saturday, April 24, 2010

Has anyone seen my pants?

Have you ever had the naked dream?

Of course you have. Everyone has.

What is your naked dream like?

Mine, more often than not, involves me walking around in a public place or hanging out with friends and suddenly realized that I'm wearing shoes and pants, but nothing up top.

Or, I'm just hanging out in a towel that gets increasingly smaller.

The thing is, it's never that scandalous that I'm partially, if not completely, naked. It's more like an inconvenience.

I've had friends look at me, roll their eyes and say, "Dude, where's your shirt?" And me, being so silly and forgetful, realizes that I left it at home! Again!

On the upside, I'm always hotter in my dreams. Maybe a little thinner with slightly perkier boobs and a nicer ass.

So, while I'm mildly embarrassed that I'm not fully dressed, I'm far from horrified or traumatized. Just a little annoyed with myself.

When I wake up, I always think of an exchange in Sleepless in Seattle.

Annie: You know that dream where you're walking around naked?
Becky: I love that dream.

According to online dream interpretation, I'm concealing something or am afraid of being "found out."

I think I'm hyper-aware that swimsuit season is around the corner and I just finished a peanut butter fudge milkshake in under 15 minutes.


Lisa said...

1) I have that dream often, but just like you, I am only mildly embarrassed. I'm usually kind of like, "What, so?"

2) I just watched Sleepless in Seattle today, so I love that you included that reference!

Keri said...

You're crackin me up.Too funny! I needed that. You have no idea.

Sassy Pants Freckle Face said...

Damnit, No I have NOT seen your pants!