Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I've got the black lung, Pop!

I have acquired the plague.

Or a head cold.

But definitely one of the two.

Have you ever noticed that people get over their sicknesses differently?

You have those that just want to burrow under 7 blankets, watch TV and go in and out of consciousness.

You also have those that, while they may stay home, they are not sitting down. They are paying bills online, balancing checkbooks, folding laundry and cleaning the gutters.

Last of all, you have the social healers. These are people that feed off the energy of others. They choose to power on through the funk.

I am a burrower. I think most Moms fall in the second category. The social healers are the ones that kill me.

The last thing I want to do when I'm sick is be forced to be social, presentable or, worst of all, pleasant.

When I'm sick, I want to whine, bitch, moan and wallow. It's one of the few times it's allowed and I personally savor it.

The worst thing in the world is when all you want to do is sleep and die but you have a friend who says, "Oh, I'm sick, too. Wanna go to a party tonight?"

This person may very well be just as sick as you, but does not understand why you're being such a baby about it.

I think it's very important that someday I locate me a strapping, burly gentleman who lets me make forts out of blankets and pillows on the couch, while eating box after box of Mac 'n Cheese.

Just a thought I had.


Sarah Beth said...

I think I'm some sort of combo of the first two options. I'm def. not the third!

And if you find that strapping, burly man, please send me his brother or best friend.

Sarah Beth said...

P.S. Hope you feel better soon!

Sarah Beth said...

I think I'm some sort of combo of the first two options. I'm def. not the third!

And if you find that strapping, burly man, please send me his brother or best friend.

Yankee Girl said...

Social healers can suck it. I have a friend who was sick for 10 days, all the while going to work, the gym, and a girl's night planned by another friend. I wanted to punch her in the face.

Mrs. B said...

i just want to burrow too. the more blankets and mac & cheese the better.

Lisa said...

Definitely a burrower. Definitely a burrower.

freckletree said...

this made me think of my grandmother who is actually in the hospital with bronchitis at the present moment. she is, without a doubt, a social healer-- aka. a spreader of disease.

she was so pissed that she couldn't figure out how to get her iv stand out of the wall to visit her neighbors (that are DYING, mind you) so that she could discuss crocheting.

she thinks that my twins stay sick because they don't wear socks in the house. not because she coughs on them.

she is 86. and fucking (crazy) *er* awesome.

Keri said...

OMG, where have I been? And where have you been? Looks like you haven't posted since the 3rd. Hope you still not sick. I'm so happy I finally made it over here. I LOVE YOUR BLOG!!!!!! Great minds think alike, no? Hope to see you back soon and that you'll come over and win a Racheal Ray giveaway. Take care, Keri (a.k.a. Sam)

P.S. FYI, If you use Google Reader to view blogs U follow, mine shows no new postings published since August 09. This is a Google Error with no avail. fixes Grrrrrr........

Katherine said...

WHERE ARE YOU!?!?! I hope that plague didn't get you!