Thursday, April 8, 2010

For anyone who's ever been set up, stood up or felt up.

I'm getting right ready to cut a bitch.

I don't date an overwhelming amount because I am a very picky lady with particular taste.

I'm fine with this because I'd rather be on my own than waste my time with a man who I'd like to slap in the mouth with a dead raccoon every time he talks.

It starts to crawl up my ass when some of those who are in relationships (usually new relationships) want to know about my "love life."

This tends to start off with a question like, "So... anyone special in your life?"

I know this is meant with sincerity and genuine interest, but chances are that if there is someone in my life worth mentioning, I would have mentioned it.

When I respond with a polite but short answer of, "Nope. Not interested in anyone," rarely is the topic dropped.

My favorite follow-up question is, "Why not?"

What the hell do you mean, "Why not?"

Few things make me feel more like Bridget Jones than this question.

This caught my attention recently because a guy I dated last year (and with whom I have remained friends) asked about "the men in your life."

Want to know why he asked? Because he is in a new relationship! SHOCKING!

When I told him I wasn't interested in anyone, I thought we were done. However, he felt moved to press the subject, which annoyed the shit out of me.

I had a similar conversation with another male friend (in a new relationship) a few weeks ago.

Since when do men want to talk about relationships?

Can't we just go back to sports, beer and boobs?


Sassy Pants Freckle Face said...

I hear ya! men,..relationships,.. I would rater stick to good food! And I am married,.. Well whatever floats ur boat ;) and mine for that matter

Happy Friday

Yankee Girl said...

When I was dating, I hated that question. Do people really care that much? It is so annoying.

And what is with the guys doing? That is so weird to me. Beer and boobs should definitely be enough to talk about. I thought those nosey questions were reserved for girl friends.

Sorry to hear that I am wrong!

Lisa said...

Seriously. Why do you want to talk about your feelings with me, dude?

I think a lot of times people ask about others' relationships/lack thereof as an excuse to talk about their OWN relationships, ya know?

Sarah Beth said...

I get asked that by guys alot too - and, now that you mention it, always by guys in relationships. But, I think these guys usually have a thing for me, even though they can't be with me. So, maybe something weird is happening in their psyche that causes them to ask the female-only questions? Who knows. But, I hate it, too. Because I feel like a loser for answering negatively.