Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Bad blogger pees 20 times a day

I apologize for my tardiness.

I've been a bad blogger and even worse blog reader lately.

Normally, it's what I do first thing in the morning as I have my coffee and get ready for the day.

Lately, however, I have been wicked nauseated in the mornings and the computer screen does little to help that.

Luckily, with a little help from WebMD, I can now diagnose myself with a plethora of diseases!

So, because my symptoms are:
  • Nausea
  • Excessive hunger
  • Weight gain (I love that my giant ass is now a symptom)
  • Fatigue
  • Excessive thirst
  • Lotta, lotta peeing
I learned that I could possibly have:
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Type 1 Diabetes
  • A giant tumor on my liver
  • A raging case of the Mondays

On another note, Valentine's Day is upon us. I know I'm going to come off as the bitter single girl, but I'll come out and say it. I'm not a fan.

You know what other made up excuse for a holiday I can't stand?

Have you ever heard of Sweetest Day? Neither had I.

I had a roommate in college that used to try and celebrate this. Mostly, it made the rest of us want to slap her in the face and spit in her mouth.

She works at Disney World now.

You can't make this shit up.


Yankee Girl said...

My new title for Valentine's Day: Single Awareness Day. I am married and still think that V-Day can suck it.

Sassy Pants Freckle Face said...

Reading you could cure all og my ailments, did I spell that right?

Anyway,.. all those things I have experinced too, But I was knocked up,....

I left an award for you over at my Bloggtastic Blog

Enjoy! You rock!

thatgirlisfunny said...

It sounds like you're knocked up - was that on the list? haha! A few years ago, I gave up on V-Day. This time, I'm getting together with my gal pals to celebrate. It will be some sort of Sweetest Day, but not sickeningly so. Good food, good peeps, feeling loved up and welcomed. That's a good day. Mwah!

Shell said...

Sweetest day? I totally believe she ended up working at Disney.

Tracie said...

I've got a bad case of the Mondays, too. Except that it's Thursday do maybe I'm dying. ??

Yankee Girl said...

I totally didn't mean to offend with the single awareness day thing. I was just being sarcastic and lamenting on how stupid I think it is. Please forgive me if I came across as rude.

So sorry!

Lisa said...

Guess what I'm celebrating tomorrow. The Chinese New Year. No kidding.

I believe ol' Liz Lemon said it best this week at the end of 30 Rock: "Happy Valentine's Day, no one!"

Sarah said...

GAH. Sweetest day fans belong workiing for Disney. Just sayin.